Monday, November 12, 2012

Uh Do What?

Its been a while since I've been here polluting the internet with my opinions. Today I read an article that put me into a quandary. It was regarding asking women of the Millennial Generation 'What is modern Feminism?'. There doesn't seem to be a clear definition in terms of what this generation understands. Most don't know how to even answer the question; I certainly don't. Then asked if they were feminist; some yes, some no's, but mostly 'I don't know'. I'd like to start a thread for this week titled "What Is Modern Feminism?". I'm going to pseudo interview both men and women of our generation and get their perspective on the subject. Then if there is anyone out there that would like to post an article that exemplifies their definition please do so. To be clear I'm not push any sort of platform or agenda. I'd really like to see what people want for the female gender and what you'd like for your own daughters in their future. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Holiday Hell

Its almost that time of year again. Holiday Hell. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a holiday scrooge. There is nothing magical, holy or amazing about any holiday. Although I do cherish those times I can be with my family(meaning my husband and children only). For the most part I will intensely hate the next 3 months. Why? Why!?

Traffic-we already live in San Angelo with some of the worst drivers imaginable then you add the holiday into the mix and you have some toxic situations. People practically running each other off the road just to get their idiotic material items they think they have to have.

Shopping for everyday stuffs-Trying to shop for your everyday items and groceries becomes the worst torture ever. I don't really need to elaborate on this one as we all have experienced it. People hang out in the aisles of HEB to socialize while their brood of 5 run around unchecked. I swear sometimes I want to clothes line these kids as they pass by or throw out my foot for the trip.

Holiday Music-It'll begin mid-October and most definitely in November. I hate loves songs therefore I hate holiday songs. They're just so depressing. I mean if you're single or have any deceased family members the songs are only a constant reminder of that. Also White Christmas is not a nostalgic song when you live in West Texas. Plus who wants to listen to songs that command you to be jolly?

Spending Time with the In-laws-Do I need to say much about this one? Spending 12 hours of the day in a very uncomfortable place with people you'd care not to see. You spend the entire 12 hours thinking of all the things that you'd rather be doing...root canal, leg waxing, going to work, jogging, banging your head against a wall etc.

This year should make for a very interesting Christmas as one of my brother-in-laws is getting out of the pen. I'm terribly curious to see what happens. As we have never done anything to piss this guy off, we're good, I don't know about everyone else though. Thanksgiving will be the same.

I guess Holidays wouldn't be so bad if you got to spend them with people you actually like and you got to do things you actually want to do. Gracing peoples with my presence on holidays is my form of altruism. You should be thankful I even showed up.

Anyone got some relatable Holiday stories? Anything funny?

PS The only thing I really get nostalgic about during the holidays is the ritual of watching of A Christmas Story and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Best part of Christmas!

Monday, September 17, 2012

People I Want To Punch In The Face

I've decided to start a new segment based on a neat journal I saw called 'People I want to punch in the face'. I had one of these moments Sunday morning while waiting in line at the grocery store. It never fails that I get behind some idiot asshole who is going to have a problem or be difficult. I'm not that impatient, but there is a threshold.

This lady was obviously a rich bitch. Frosted hair, ridiculous nails, drag queen makeup, expensive jeans complete with rhinestone crosses on her ass. Guess if she dies in a car accident, you at least know that her ass was saved and ascended to heaven. First of all, she wasn't done getting her items. She kept running back and forth from the register to aisles to get last minutes items. Then she pulls out her CHECK BOOK...FUCK. And she forgot an item so she ordered the clerk to go get it. The clerk gets it, but low and behold it wasn't the item she wanted. So the clerk goes back to get the item. Finally the total comes up and the cashier and her had to bs together. OMG I'll kill both of you. She proceeds to write a check....a check which should no longer be accepted ANYWHERE. Don't get me started on how fucking stupid it is to use a check. Its finally my turn. And the clerk knows I'm pissed. She tries to make small talk with me, but I just burn holes through her head. At the end she had the audacity to tell me to have a 'Blessed Day'.

Long story short, Two people I want to punch in the face.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

i know that i'm pretty much the only one out of our circle of friends who hates vaccines (for the most part). im not usually very vocal on issues like this because i dont like to stir the pot or get into a dumb argument but this is an example of why i hate vaccines. no one wants to actually help anyone else with vaccines, like everything else it comes down to money and politics. can i please go live on a commune now?? ;) Facts you probably don't know about HPV and Gardasil In August, the Health Ranger interviewed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. on Dr. Blaylock shared some little known facts about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the quick development of a vaccine to address it. Dr. Blaylock says the vaccine is "predicated on an absolute lie." Some empowering facts you may not know about the human papillomavirus and Gardasil: 1. First, the basis is wrong. HPV by itself does not cause cervical cancer. Evidence shows it takes a combination, or co-infections - multiple viruses or virus/bacteria combinations to cause cervical cancer. Examples include Epstein Bar virus, HIV, and Chlamydia, along with HPV. 2. Birth control pills and other hormonal drugs also increase the risk of HPV. 3. It has never been proven that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer. There is no scientific evidence of any kind. 4. There are over 100 strains of HPV, only about 15 of which can contribute to cervical cancer. 5. HPV vaccines only include two to four strains, leaving you open to more than two-thirds of the dangerous strains. You will still need to get routine screenings for cervical cancer. 6. You don't change or reduce the incidence of cancer by receiving the vaccine. Studies show that the human immune system develops resistance to the strains given in the vaccine, allowing others to become predominant. 7. The CDC website states that the human body's immune system clears HPV within two years, 90 percent of the time (70 percent in one year). Without the vaccine. 8. One of the most powerful connections proven to increase the risk of cervical cancer is smoking. Women who smoke have 2.3 times higher incidence of the precancerous lesions that lead to cervical cancer. 9. Diet is key. A poor diet increases risk while a diet that includes high amounts of vitamin B12 and folic acid have a 79 percent reduction in HPV infections and cervical cancer. Vitamin C, curcumin, quercetin, and other flavonoids are powerful inhibitors against cervical cancer. 10. Dietary combinations have been proven to have far greater effect against HPV than any vaccine. 11. All the marketing assertions are false. It is one of the largest, most harmful medical hoaxes of our time. 12. Officially, the vaccine has been associated with approximately 100 deaths, and 500 have been left permanently disabled. 13. Those numbers are based on voluntary reporting, which historically means only two to ten percent of cases are represented. The vast majority of cases are never reported. So, conservatively, 5,000 young girls and women have been harmed by the vaccine. 14. Cervical cancer is one of the rarest cancers in the U. S., with 12,000 cases reported per year and 4,000 deaths. 15. The number of girls and women that experience serious complications from the vaccine meets or exceeds the number of deaths. 16. Side-effects include: Multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, blindness, pericarditis, coma, and death among many others. 17. The vaccine Gardasil was "fast tracked." This was illegal. The FDA requires new vaccines to undergo testing and a waiting period of 4 years. Gardasil was developed and on the market in 6 months, with FDA approval. 18. Texas governor Rick Perry tried to force all girls in Texas entering the sixth grade to receive the vaccine in 2007, despite the fact that the incubation period for HPV averages 20 years with the median age of sufferers being 48. He mandated it over the legislature's objections. 19. People thought they were required to receive the vaccine, but that too was untrue as it wasn't an actual law. 20. Perry received huge amounts of money from the manufacturer. 21. Perry's former chief of staff became a hired lobbyist for Merck, the maker of Gardasil in 2009, exposing the connection to the pharmaceutical giant, and the motivation for pushing the vaccine. 22. The Texas Legislature overturned Perry's executive order requiring girls to get the vaccine due to the huge backlash from the public. However, the precedent had been set, and other states and countries began to follow suit. 23. Pap smears alone prevent over 80 percent of cervical cancer. A yearly pap smear reduces your chance of getting cervical cancer to .002 percent. 24. HPV vaccines have been illegally administered to millions without informed consent as the risks are rarely disclosed. 25. What people don't know is that there are Informed Consent laws that are there to protect patients. They provide a legal strategy for people who have experienced vaccine damage. 26. Vaccine manufacturers do not want doctors to discuss and disclose the risks associated with vaccines because they don't want people to realize they can opt out. This has been documented in multiple medical journals. Yet it is illegal for doctors NOT to disclose the risks. 27. The vaccine was only tested on 21,000 girls and women before being pushed on millions of children, teens, and adults worldwide, according to the FDA website. 28. The FDA website has no mention that the vaccine was ever tested on males, yet the CDC says the vaccine is "recommended for all teen boys and men through age 21." 29. The Informed Consent laws also address questions about the efficacy of vaccines. Meaning you have a right to ask questions and receive answers about how well it works, why you should allow it to be administered, as well as the risks. 30. Vaccine manufacturers have gone to the legislature(s) to get a law passed that you cannot sue over vaccine complications. But, you can sue. ( Learn more:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Never Ending Knowledge

So the office is getting very political lately, but it doesn't bother me, I actually enjoy the food for thought. George actually sent out a company wide e-mail this morning and it really got me thinking how we as human beings never stop learning. Day to day we observe and absorb everything around us. Some have a bigger appetite for knowledge than others. And some have an appetite for knowledge that only pertains to things that interest them. I am one of these people. I already have a clear understanding as to what is important in life and I still have a lot to learn. Am I satisfied by what I've learned? I can say for certain, "HELL NO"!! Even now, I don't feel like an adult or someone ready to pass down knowledge or wisdom to the future generation. I would like to at least get my bachelors degree before having children. But anyways, read this and tell me your thoughts


           Thomas L Friedman

I JUST arrived in Shanghai, but I’m thinking about Estonia and wondering about something Presidents Clinton and Obama have been saying.

Wired magazine reported last week that public schools in Estonia are establishing a program for teaching first graders — and kids in all other grades — how to do computer programming. Wired said that the curriculum was created “because of the difficulty Estonian companies face in hiring programmers. Estonia has a burgeoning tech industry thanks in part to the success of Skype, which was developed in Estonia in 2003.”

The news from Estonia prompted The Guardian newspaper of London to publish an online poll asking its readers: “Children aged 7 to 16 are being given the opportunity to learn how to code in schools in Estonia, should U.K. school children be taught programming as part of their school day?” It’s fascinating to read about all this while visiting Shanghai, whose public school system in 2010 beat the rest of the world in math, science and reading in the global PISA exam of 15-year-olds. Will the Chinese respond by teaching programming to preschoolers?

All of this made me think Obama should stop using the phrase — first minted by Bill Clinton in 1992 — that if you just “work hard and play by the rules” you should expect that the American system will deliver you a decent life and a chance for your children to have a better one. That mantra really resonates with me and, I am sure, with many voters. There is just one problem: It’s out of date.

The truth is, if you want a decent job that will lead to a decent life today you have to work harder, regularly reinvent yourself, obtain at least some form of postsecondary education, make sure that you’re engaged in lifelong learning and play by the rules. That’s not a bumper sticker, but we terribly mislead people by saying otherwise.

Why? Because when Clinton first employed his phrase in 1992, the Internet was just emerging, virtually no one had e-mail and the cold war was just ending. In other words, we were still living in a closed system, a world of walls, which were just starting to come down. It was a world before Nafta and the full merger of globalization and the information technology revolution, a world in which unions and blue-collar manufacturing were still relatively strong, and where America could still write a lot of the rules that people played by.

That world is gone. It is now a more open system. Technology and globalization are wiping out lower-skilled jobs faster, while steadily raising the skill level required for new jobs. More than ever now, lifelong learning is the key to getting into, and staying in, the middle class.

There is a quote attributed to the futurist Alvin Toffler that captures this new reality: In the future “illiteracy will not be defined by those who cannot read and write, but by those who cannot learn and relearn.” Any form of standing still is deadly.

I covered the Republican convention, and I was impressed in watching my Times colleagues at how much their jobs have changed. Here’s what a reporter does in a typical day: report, file for the Web edition, file for The International Herald Tribune, tweet, update for the Web edition, report more, track other people’s tweets, do a Web-video spot and then write the story for the print paper. You want to be a Times reporter today? That’s your day. You have to work harder and smarter and develop new skills faster.

Van Ton-Quinlivan, the vice chancellor for work force and economic development at the California Community Colleges System, explained to me the four basic skill sets out there today. The first are people who are “ready now.” That’s people with exactly the right skills an employer is looking for at the right time. Employers will give the local labor market and schools the first chance at providing those people, but if they are not available they’ll go the “shortest distance to find them,” she said, and today that could be anywhere in the world. Companies who can’t find “ready now” will look for “ready soon,” people who, with limited training and on-the-job experience, can fit right in. If they can’t find those, some will hire “work ready.” These are people with two or four years of postsecondary education who can be trained, but companies have shrinking budgets for that now and want public schools to do it. Last are the growing legions of the “far from ready,” people who dropped out or have only a high school diploma. Their prospects for a decent job are small, even if they are ready to “work hard and play by the rules.”

Which is why if we ever get another stimulus it has to focus, in part, on getting more people more education. The unemployment rate today is 4.1 percent for people with four years of college, 6.6 percent for those with two years, 8.8 percent for high school graduates, and 12.0 percent for dropouts.

That’s why I prefer the new mantra floated by Clinton at the Democratic convention, “We have to prepare more Americans for the new jobs that are being created in a world fueled by new technology. That’s why investments in our people” — in more community colleges, Pell grants and vocational-training classes — “are more important than ever.”

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Another World

As a second part to yesterday's post I had some additional thoughts about life. One must never dwell on the past, but you must wonder who you would be if certain pivotal moments in your life were different. You also must think of what those defining moments might be. It is impossible to know since our reality is purely subjective and none of us are omnipotent.

Several months ago I had rented a horribly depressing movie call Another Earth. It was incredibly tragic, but the premise was thought provoking. One day people look into the night sky and they see a bright blue star. Time inches along over years, the star appears bigger and brighter. Its no longer a star, its a planet. The closer it gets more people notice it eerily resembles Earth. Then the other Earth contacts them. There are people there and more shockingly they're all the same people. Everyone is there just a little different than they are here.

I often wonder who I might be if my life was different. I have thought many times how it would have been if my father hadn't killed himself. It is only one example of important events in my life. I could be different if my parents never divorced and so on. Would I have been any happier than I am now? Doubtfully. You also begin to wonder what affect you have on other's lives.

When I hear music I feel as though I can sense a thin veil of another reality. So close that I can almost experience it in some way. I see another me impervious to my own plights and insecurities. A me with sense and purpose, of excitement and creation. A person grounded where ever they may go. My ideal self. While this is delusional to think, we all in some way live vicariously though a better self. Whether it is through an anonymous username or game avatar or maybe just a day dream. I hope the other me is living enough life for the both of us.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Place Where Nobody Can Smile

Here it is Wednesday, statistically the most depressing day of the week. I look out the window and see the same degenerates walking up and down the street as usual. Out of habit I watch my car as they pass by. I see the mute back drop of my daily existence. It doesn't help that I'm listening to Piano Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp Minor. Back to the motions.

We often hear the term 'rose-colored glasses'; what is the opposite of that? I'd imagine it as more of an immersion helmet. We all see our lives differently. I tend to think of Wristcutters when I look at my existence. Dismal landscape, shitty cars, laughable jobs and menial pleasures. The ironic similarities between that movie and San Angelo are quite amusing. Days like this make you wonder what brought you to this moment in your life.

You look back 10 years ago or more and you think about what your life plan was, your aspirations, your goals. Some people were going to be writers, others successful professionals, most of us probably thought living outside of this place at the very least. My plan was probably lowliest of all, but I accomplished it, if you want to call it an accomplishment. I knew I'd graduate high school, get a job, work, get married, have kids and get a house. Now that I'm done with that, whats left? Death. I'll work and eventually die. I never tried to kid myself with grandiose ideas of traveling the world, meeting interesting people, being important or monetary pleasures. Some days I try to give myself a pep talk, which is just a private joke between myself and I.

Did I ever have any aspirations? Maybe....long before I became jaded. I think the thing I wanted most way back then was to be away from my family. I no longer wanted to hear or see their burdens. I didn't want to be apart of them, I didn't want to be apart of San Angelo. When I think back on it, most of my aspirations were made of things that I didn't want instead of things I did. I no longer wanted to be at the mercy of others.  I failed in that respect, but the reality of it is that we'll always be at the mercy of others. Its easier to get back in line with the others. Once I wanted to be a chef. At another time I wanted to be a curator. The thing I've wanted most in life is freedom. The freedom to soar without obligations. To truly experience wonderlust. Will I ever? Doubtfully. Whats the solution to all this? Antidepressants. Robots don't feel enough to care.

What did you want your life to be like? What were you going to do? What will you do?

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fuck Lunch

I've decided that I intensely hate the lunch hour. It is the single most depressing part of the day. Now I'm not a hater of eating, just lunch. And that is for a number of reasons:

1. Packing your lunch sucks...there aren't many good things to pack. Sandwiches get old very quickly. Canned soup is unbearable. I refuse to eat frozen meals. We never have left overs. Most of the things I make couldn't be reheated anyways.
2. I work in the shittiest part of town. Far away from everything. Not that I want to spend a fortune.
3. I've become known as the dependable lunch time phone answerer. They don't even ask if I have plans anymore, thats how pathetic I am.
4. There is not a single person that I can lunch with again because I work clear across the North side of San Angelo. Its not that I want a meal bought, sometimes I'd just like to talk to someone in person for once.
5. I hate the fucking assholes who come into the office or call at lunch. NO ONE IS HERE TO HELP OR TALK TO YOU.
6. I hate seeing everyone coming back refreshed and jubilant from lunch. I'm sure as hell not refreshed or jubilant, in fact I'm feeling quite disgruntle.
7. There's no point in going home. I end up just wanting to punch Otto in the face. I know there's nothing at home for me except chores. Plus there's not a point to going home when I could be here milking hours.
8. Eating by yourself is pathetic.

So ya. Fuck lunch.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Journal Challenge

I saw a pin on pinterest regarding 30 day journal challenges. I did a little research and its a very neat idea. Now I know some of you aren't in for sharing time. But it is interesting to pick a prompt for the day, instead of sharing your personal day to days. I'd like to do something like this with you guys if you're willing to participate. I don't want to do the same generic list of topics. How about we submit prompt ideas and we could raffle them daily? Ideally, the journals would be in paper and pen, with freedom to illustrate etc. At the end of the thirty days we could pass the journals around, or something to that effect, or possible post the single day journal entries via jpg or pdf here on the blog. Anyone interested?


Monday, August 6, 2012

this is a topic that is fairly close to my heart and one that i foolishly thought could not still be in practice. how can america be on the wrong side of this issue?? it boggles my mind. My grandma betty and her family used to be migrant farm laborers. she's told me stories of how she would pick cotton with her mom instead of attending school. they eventually saved enough money and started a business and bought a nice house, but how many other people are not so lucky?? This video is worth a watch and brings to light several good points. its definitely worth watching.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Angry Dome

I am feeling especially cantankerous today. Anyone else get those urges? I'd like to hop on a horse with my trusty battle ax and invade a nearby village. Then proceed to pillage and burn. Some days I wake up and hope Aenema plays out.

I need an angry dome. I'm taking orders now. Let me enumerate my aggression:

-Blind benevolence
-Citizens of San Angelo
-Lack of good movies on HBO
-Rerouting of the North bound intersection of Bryant and 19th St
-The news
-Lack of money

Oh great flying spaghetti monster please distract me from my intense hatred of everything. Amen.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby KA-BOOMers

I am sick to my teeth hearing baby boomers complain about the demonetization of their generation. They just aren't willing to accept the responsibility. All they can talk about is what they contributed. What I find sad is that fact that so many boomers claim responsibility of social contributions that were endeavored only a few a of their generation. YOU didn't make Bill Gates and YOU didn't help Bill Gates do anything. Bill Gates made himself and his legacy. Along with all the other famed trail blazers of that generation.

Boomers still consume at hedonistic rates as they did in their prime. The whole world and economy is falling apart and yet they still sit there with their hands out waiting for their checks. Whats left for the rest of us? Nothing, scraps at which we fight over. Most of the focus is on class warfare, what we should be worried about is the old person riding on our backs.

I'm not saying we should throw the elderly to the wolves. What I am saying is that they can't have their cake and eat it too. They can claim as many SS contribution years as they want. Fact of the matter is that due to inflation your contributions mean shit. They should get SS that is directly proportional to the amount that they paid in regardless of the cost of living. We should help in their care, but only in proportion to overall social welfare.

I don't know what the definitive answer is, but the entitlement has to stop. I would hope that by the time I become enfeebled and useless, voluntary euthanization will have been legalized. The moment I become a burden to my family and society, I want to be dead.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Everytown USA

This morning as many of us started our day we were faced with tribulation as we went online. We were incited with a very sobering reality of what can be. We are geeks that have been patiently awaiting the last release of the Dark Knight trilogy. I'm sure some of you and some of our friends were at our own local midnight screenings. Another state away other geeks were excitingly waiting for the screening when their lives  were unfairly cut short. An angry coward decidedly passed judgement upon their mortality. He unfortunately was able to bring his intent to fruition. I will not call this a tragedy. Tragedy is when someone accidentally drowns at the lake. A tragedy is when a child gets cancer. This is just murder.

We are left to examine how we spend our lives and how we treat people. I feel terribly for this man's family. We always hear about prayers and thoughts going to victims, but we never hear about the family. I can relate to this greatly. I can tell you from experience you question every moment you had with this individual. You carry enormous guilt and shame. You can't walk away from it, you're blood. Victims will always been remembered in a positive light. She was a wonderful girl so full of life. He was loved by all that knew him. The perpetrator is burned into everyone's mind as one thing; evil. Which is rightly true, but we all forget that they were human like the rest of us. At one time the individual was someone's beloved child, another's best friend and a regular person. We will always be left with one question: What brought them to this? The family is left with: What could I have done to change this outcome? What did I do wrong? Many times there is nothing that anyone could have done. The person is ultimately responsible for their actions.

We need to remember that this could have happened to any of us. We shouldn't dwell on the whatif. But it is important to really examine what is important to you. After all, our lives are merely blips in the grand scheme of the universe. We must also be much more aware on how we affect others. Is it really worth it flipping off that guy you were stuck behind in traffic? Is that the tipping point for that individual? Should you purposefully incite anger in someone who's angered you? Should you berate another unknown person online? 

I will not give the knee-jerk support "my heart and prayers go to the victims" as it is meaningless in this day and age. The truth is that my mind and soul has gone into lost lives of the victims. The older I've gotten and with children I have become more and more aware of my own mortality. Our lives are short. We must conduct ourselves in a way in which we may live without regret.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I wanted to share this opinion article from the NYTimes regarding our extreme individualism. It completely exemplifies my disgust with our society and culture. I am not saying we should be socialists. I just want to point out how it seems that everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too. We're all incredibly selfish. Even in the name of altruism we're still self absorbed. I'm sick of hearing about everyone's individualism, of accommodating for the needs of the one, of their so called freedoms. Everyone is so keen to cut off the nose to spite the face. To summarize a famous quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Over it!

I think I've decided that I'm totally over facebook and social media in general. In the beginning I thought maybe I could get to know people better and get more involved. I also had the desire to get to know my father's side of the family. I spoke to a few, but made no real connection. In fact I've learned nothing new nor do I feel closer to anyone. If anything, I feel a gap widening. I've learned a few things about myself. I've learned some things about social media. I think what has hit me the hardest is that I don't seem to have as much in common with people as I thought. And old close acquaintances do not seem interested in rekindling relationships. I think with the FB culture and the our culture now, people are reluctant to actually get to know anyone or start new friendships in general. I don't blame them. Overall, I feel better talking to myself anyways.

As to FB, I've noticed that people like to friend you, but don't actually ever talk to you, ever. I find it to be terribly sad that the only way others communicate is through FB. Its like email is dead. The ads are really obnoxious. Do people understand that when they like a product or place that it places ads on their wall? Overall FB feels very shallow and cheap....

I'm not any closer to any of my family members. Its wounding to know that they're aware of my existence, but show little to no interest. I learned first hand that my father was right about the family. They're flaky and self absorbed. I see why he didn't have anything to do with them the last twenty years before his death. Hell, I'm probably that way. Maybe its better that we don't speak to each other. 

I contacted a few people on my mother's side, to find out that they also have less interest than my father's family. Confirms that I'm a pariah due to my intense dislike of Christianity. Thats ok, they never did anything to help me anyways. I'd rather not hear their narrow minded views and prejudice. What bothered me the most is that a family(whom I won't mention) that I was incredibly close to had no interest to communicate with me in the least. Its not like I wanted them to be all about me or my business, but maybe a hello and a little acknowledgement would have been nice. Some how that bridge was burned....

I learned a lot about myself. I am and my family are unique. My view on life and the world are controversial. I won't apologize for anything. FB has made me feel nothing, but isolation. Looking for commonality and comradeship was fruitless. I feel much more on guard with myself on and offline. I feel more guarded about my family as well. Every man is an island. We're better off holed up away from the world.

If anything I have come to appreciate my relationship with my husband much more. No one will ever know, understand and tolerate me the way he does. I don't think anyone will ever live life like I want except him. I know he'll always see me more objectively than morally based. He's an asshole and I'm an asshole. We're perfect for each other. 

We're a small kingdom with allegiances only to ourselves. And I'm fine with that!  

Monday, June 11, 2012

Channel Surfing Sunday Night

Booohoooo to the loss of our favorite Sunday night show Game of Thrones. We're left with the regurgitated mess that is called True Blood. While I was a fan the first two seasons, I've slowly begun to dislike it. It had so much potential. It could have been a great series like Game of Thrones, Rome or Six Feet Under.

After watching last night's episode, I feel like producer Alan Ball isn't even trying. At this point they're just milking the cash cow. When he was in production it probably went something like this:

Alan Ball: Alright People! Lots of melodrama...ok good! Now lets throw in some obscure plot points about The Authority....right....Now introduce model-turned actress #152 as Eric's "Sister"....good...Now lets see a sex scene with a few Eric Northman ass shots....nice...Ok start the werewolf struggle of power....again... And there's this week's episode, good job people.

Production Assistant: Um Sir its only 40 minutes long. 

Alan Ball: Oh right, well lets throw in a 20 minute sequence watching LaFayette and Sookie be sad. And its a wrap!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

New York Times Magazine published a very interesting article regarding innovations to make your life easier. Some are silly, others much more realistic. Take a look at this and tell me your favorite and any you'd like to see.

I'm not thrilled with #2. I like my coffee dark roasted and raw. I have no need for flavorings or uniformity. Roasting is an art in itself. You wine connoisseurs would not appreciate a uniform wine would you?

#5 is prolly my favorite. Washing my mane is a tedious pain in the ass!

#12 is a great idea, but....people would just destroy them. I mean lets be realistic. In SA, the people who use public transportation are part of the lower demographic. Individuals would obviously break, vandalize or steal them. The idea would be fantastic in places like Scandinavia or Japan where citizens take more pride and personal responsibility for their environment.

I fucking love #14! I don't know how many times I've had to listen to someone blab on when all I want to do is punch them in the face to make them shut up. I'm sure many of you can sympathize.

#15 Would not work on me.

We need to implement #17. Attachment parenting is getting fucking ridiculous.

I would abuse the hell out of #26. Give germaphobes and Obsessive Compulsive's more tools and validity.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Is anyone else excited about this movie?

Aside from the extremely attractive Michael Fassbender; this movie promises intense nail-biting suspense, cringe worthy violence and stunning visuals. Ridley Scott seems to always make great movies: Gladiator, Blade Runner and even Legend was still good.

We'll see it this weekend some time. I don't know when since I haven't seen Chach's schedule yet. Get ready for some face hugging!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Green or more accurately the Rainbow Lantern?

Image: his image provided by DC Entertainment shows a page from the second issue of the company's "Earth 2" comic book series featuring Alan Scott, the alter ego of its Green Lantern character, who is revealed to be gay.

So I don't know if anyone heard about this, but the Green Lantern is now gay? First and foremost, I have no problem with gays. In fact some of my favorite artists and authors are gay. I mean seriously it is apparent to me that gays are inherently much more creative than us heteros.

Anyways, I was just really surprised that DC Comics would go ahead and put themselves out there like that. And I was surprised that they picked The Green Lantern. If I had to pick a DC character that I thought was gay it would be Aquaman. Marvel comics did something similar with one of their X-Men comics introducing North Star to have a same-sex wedding. Which is super surprising as well seeing as how Marvel Comics is owned by Disney. Which Disney is all about conservative agenda.

Its just another sign that the times are really changing. Maybe not at the pace we'd like to see, but its happening.

What things do you think will have changed in the next 10 years when most of us will be in our thirties?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


OMG!!! On Monday, July 23rd, 2012 Tinseltown will be showing a 2.5 hour movie event celebrating Star Trek: TNG 25th Anniversary. It is a one time showing at 7pm. You can be sure that I'll be there! Sam get ready! We're going full costume, just kidding or am I?

Bitch Fest

Why do Tom's shoes have to be so fucking expensive? I get that they give shoes to kids in need. But seriously, if I'm spending $50 on a pair of shoes they better give a pair of shoes to my kids in need. Tom, you shoes aren't that cool. I'll stick with my Van's Classic Slip Ons, thanks.

Zombie Apocalypse

The day is upon us.....It's time to start stock pile guns and ammo folks.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Beware Solicitors!

What really grinds my gears......

I hate door to door solicitors of all kinds. Since we've moved into our new house we have gotten more solicitors at our door than I have fingers. And those are the ones we're aware of when we're home. They want to sell me something, save my soul, get my vote or make a donation. Last weekend I practically had to shut the door in this guy's face because he didn't get the message. It was Jesus this Jesus that. I stopped listening half way through. The point is that I find it to be ultra violating of my personal space and security. Its an advertisement at your door in person. Sickening.

I'm looking into getting a very inclusive sign made to put on our door. My other choice is a doormat that says Fuck Off.   

Any Ideas?

rude doormat F%ck Off - outdoor mature - for men

Phrase of the Day

I thought this was pretty fucking funny. I read it on regarding a woman removed from a flight due to her t-shirt which read:

If I wanted the government in my womb, I'd fuck a senator.

Friday, May 18, 2012


God, I am burnt out on life. Burnt to a crisp. I'd like to check out, but I have too many obligations and responsibilities. Its these moments when I hate being female. Doesn't matter what kind of relationship you're in, the female always shoulders the most burdens. Sigh, oh well.

Sometimes I wish things were like that movie Equilibrium. You know, just go through the motions like a robot. Never really worrying or relenting to your own emotional needs. I think I'd like living like this. I go through the motions anyways, all the while throwing a temper tantrum in my head.

I think it'd be nice not to have taste buds. That way you don't eat for pleasure, just sustenance. Why? I have expensive not like caviar or filet mignon. I like regular fresh real food, no preservatives, little frying involved. I get really tired of choking down food I hate. Disgusting canned foods, chemical tasting frozen foods,  artificial flavorings, uber greasy fried bacon potato ranch jalapeno bombs(thank you Patton Oswald)....I hate them all. Real good food is expensive, time consuming to prepare and most people don't seem to care for them.

Ok, I'm done whining. Its 4pm. I'm dread counting the minutes until I go home to a dog that shits/pisses in the floor, whining/screaming children, again more bodily fluids, a dirty house that makes my heart feel like there's a vice on it, a husband that's going to play a computer game for at least 3 hours while I do my obligations, then it'll be bedtime eventually to wake up and do it all over again. Obligate.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Really Grinds My Gears....

I'm guessing that this week is like earth week or whatever. So I've found my new pet peeve: the use of the phrase "going green". Its like the lamest and gayest saying that have come into play these last ten years. Its the ultimate vogue trend right now. Everything is going green, Everyone is saying it and I don't think most of them know what it means.

I'm all out for resource conservation and recycling of most materials. Hell, most of the things I purchase(clothes, dvds, my car, furnishings, home etc) are used. But its just getting ridiculous.  

Vegans: I will never stop eating meat. Domesticated animals are meant for consumption. If we're meant to eat exclusively plant based foods then why is it so hard for Vegans to get adequate nutrients?
Peta: I'll continue to purchase animal products and wear leather shoes. Fur lining is great too.
EPA: Hybrids suck!

That was my "green" rant.

Drought yay...not

So much for having a green lawn. The city has enacted level 2 water restrictions starting May 1st. Any of you with a yard need to be aware that watering is restricted to once a week. Also you may not water between 12pm to 6pm. Ugh the water bill is going to go out the window.

Just when my husband thought he had a green thumb, I'm going to have to dash his dreams.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This weekend we are going camping to Garner State Park for our anniversary. As most of you already know, it is our 10th anniversary. We wanted to do something special, but didn't want to spend a lot of money. I've heard great things about Garner so we're pretty excited. It is located between Junction and Concan. Its slightly further than Lost Maples. From the descriptions it boasts many amenities including: paddle boats, tubing, miniature golf, fishing, hiking and kayaking. The Frio river runs right through the park. Although we've had a bad drought this last year I hope with the current rainfall the river will still look good. I look forward to seeing clear water. We'll be doing some fishing, a little hiking and maybe paddle boating. My boss is an avid outdoorsman, so we won't have to buy hardly a thing. The biggest problem is getting everything in the car. Its going to be a tight fit! Our children will be staying the weekend with my grandmother. They're going to drive her fucking nuts. I'm sure she'll be more than ready for our return on Sunday.

Hopefully, we won't run into any bald bears!

My Top Ten Reasons Why Camping Is Better Than Big City Vacations:

1. Minimal Expenses; the typical campsite rental is $22 a night!
2. Entertainment is limited only by you.
3. Each experience is tailored to you.
4. Family team work creates stronger bonds.
5. Privacy
6. A break from constant noise pollution
7. Disconnect from technology!
8. Terrific view of the nightsky
9. Family Exercise
10. FIRE

Only Con:
NO alcohol is allowed on state parks... :(

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I just initiated contact with my hispanic family. I haven't spoken to anyone on that side in the last 5 years. I'm not sure if he'll respond. Last time I talked to my uncle 7 years ago, I kinda told him to fuck off....We'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I've been processing work orders turned in by employees and I'm appalled by the number of people who cannot read or write correctly. I also received an application this morning that is just ridiculous. There is absolutely no excuse for anyone part of my generation or younger to not be well written. Now there may be some of you that are practically fly to the rescue of these uneducated individuals. Nowadays schools make extreme efforts and concessions to get students the help they need. If you find yourself a senior in high school and have reading/writing level of a 5th grader it is YOUR FAULT. It doesn't take an enormous amount of money or effort to learn to read. Its not like we're in the late 1800's and people don't have access to education. Reading material overflows from every direction. Literacy advocacy groups are everywhere. Yes, I am a person who measures people's worth by their level of intelligence and effort. UGH!

If you're filling out an application; don't fill it out like you're in special ed.

Monday, April 9, 2012

You've Arrived When....

How do you know you've reached that attainable financial comfort level?
You know you've arrived when:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

25 Things Every Kid Should Experience

I'm not a parent but I like this article  Click on the link below and tell me your thoughts and anything else you think kids should experience.

Click me

Monday, April 2, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers,

I would like to go on a road trip, I really don't care where.  We can go camping, go to an IMAX, go to Sea World, etc.....  I know everyone has kids to think of, so maybe we can go to like Six Flags or Sea World.  All I know is I need to get out of San Angelo.  Just post anything that comes to mind.  Me; I really don't care where we go.

Friday, March 30, 2012

New Puppy

Hello Ladies and Gentlement,

I will be your host, for now.  Casey is taking a small break (hopefully).

The Perez family is getting a Dachshund.  Any ideas on names?

I'd name him, Lucifer.  LOL

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Anchorman Sequel!

Woot Anchorman Sequel! Anyone have some favorite quotes?

Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast. 
Champ Kind: It jumped up a notch. 
Ron Burgundy: It did, didn't it? 
Brick Tamland: Yeah, I stabbed a man in the heart. 
Ron Burgundy: I saw that. Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident? 
Brick Tamland: Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident. 
Ron Burgundy: Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So, Sam, per your request, here are the pics

Tattoo I already have...
tattooThe tattoo I will begin next Tuesday...minus the turtle...

Technology FTW!!

This post is bunk but o'wells.....

I ordered a 32GB micro card the other day for my phone and I was completely blown away how small it was for the amount of data it can hold. I still remember using floppies back in the day which only held about 1.5 to 2MB of data. To put it in to perspective, 16,000 floppies is equivalent to one 32GB Micro card that's the size of a thumb nail.....I don't know about you but I'm very aroused by this.  LMFAO

I think technology is greatest thing on Earth, but at the same time, it’s a curse.  Like yin and yang – good and bad.

As you can tell, I'm in a nostalgic mood.

Any comments or thoughts? 

Half A Billion

I am so very pleased with you guys for posting. Its exactly what I was looking for, just your thoughts or rants.

I don't know if yall have looked, but the lotto has climbed to $476 Million. That is almost half a billion dollars! The odds of anyone winning is astronomical; its 1 in 176 Million. But, its a dollar to play. With the grossly inflated economy, we all practically shit a dollar. It has become the new quarter.

If I won half a billion, I would:

1. Take care of my friends and family
2. Pay off our debts and live the high life!
3. Make San Angelo more livable with my nefarious plan to buy out all city council member seats, And I would bring in more relevant businesses, do away with the conservative air. Tell ASU to fuck off.
4. Make San Angelo's water drinkable and fix the lack of water problem.
5. Travel the world
6. Get lots of schooling
7. Buy out Mr. T's the close it down! San Angelo's Elite can suck it!
8. Build and operate an independent theater.
9. Aggressively do away with San Angelo's barrios and hold all Landlords accountable for the condition of their properties. I'd probably be using a lot of eminent domain.
10. Create real comprehensive working social programs. NO hand out!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The other day I jokingly told my husband (who looooves Taco Bell) that I thought the new Dos Locos Doritos taco abomination would be the downfall of our society.  He looked at me like he would never forgive me for saying an unkind word about Taco Bell.  But seriously, I feel like we as a society are going to downward spiral into fast food fueled stupidity.  That Luke Wilson movie where he wakes up in the future and people are incredibly dumb is what I think is going to happen to America.  It keeps me up at night a little.  The evil geniuses at Taco Bell have doomed us all.  Why can't these people use their powers for good?  How about working to get rid of GMO in our foods or getting politics out of the food industry.  I know, I know, that's a naive thought. It's lovely that the Obama's planted an organic vegetable garden at the White House, but can we please make organic food more affordable?  And for the love of god, will someone please put Monsanto in their place already?? Thanks for listening to my rant, I'm off to go plan my organic, heirloom garden while eating my processed apple pie.

The joys of the unprofessional "professional"

OK Casey, you win ;) Here is my first contribution...

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I went to Hurt Ink, a tattoo shop here in town, and gave an artist a $100 deposit to draw up my tattoo. I have heard numerous complaints about how awful the owners of this business are, but I was SO impressed by this tattoo artist's talent, that I went against my better judgement and tried to give them my business. After 2 weeks of not hearing anything back from her, I decided to call the shop, only to find out that my tattoo artist quit.
These things happen, I knew she was planning to move back to New Orleans in August, I just thought I would have my tattoo done before then. I called twice, spoke with two different employees who assured me one of the owners would get back to me by the end of the day, but I never received a call.
Yesterday, I called again, this time I was able to speak to one of the owners, I explained my situation, and simply asked when I could come up there to speak with them about it. I explained I work full time and have children and cannot just "swing by" the opposite side of town, hoping to catch one of them. I was honestly calm and nice and just trying to resolve the issue. He was INCREDIBLY rude and ugly to me, he told me "he doesn't WORK there, he just OWNS it". So I asked if he could just have one of his managers handle it for me.
He told me not to call "after hours" (* I called at 4pm, there office hours are 3-10pm) and told me to be an "ADULT" and call between 9am-3pm to talk to his wife. He proceeded to bitch me out, cuss at me, call me a bunch of F***ed up names, and hung up on me.
So basically, I just have to play chase with these assholes because they will not call me back and let me know when they will be there, and they will not have one of their employees take care of it.
If you ever want a tattoo, please do not go to them, all of the remaining artist are mediocre at best, and the owners are awful. Also, if you end up in a conversation about tattoos...please tell everyone this story. The world needs to know...haha.

What Really Grinds Your Gears?!?

I have spoken to several of you in person regarding collaboration. All of you have given the exact same answer. I don't know what to post about.....I don't have anything important to say. Well, I know all of you very well. You are all very passionate opinionated individuals. I know you have things to say. I hear them over a bowl every week. I want to know WHAT REALLY GRINDS YOUR GEARS?

So I am begging you....begging that you participate when you have time. Honestly, I don't put a whole lot of thought into these posts. I just type up whatever pops into my head. I'm not worried about what you guys think. I've known all of you for many years. Its not like whatever I say actually surprises any of you. LOL

Gaston: You see that house? That is where I was born. My mother said to me, "Gaston. The world is a beautiful place, and you must spread joy and contentment everywhere you go". And so I became a waiter... Well, I know it is not a great philosophy but... 
[pauses, looks offended
Gaston: Well, fuck you. I can live my life in my own way if I want to. 
[begins to walk away in disgust
Gaston: Fuck off. Don't come following me. 

Beating A Dead Horse

I wanted to bring up a topic that I find quite distressing. We've all heard about that Florida teen, Trayvor Martin, who was shot and killed. Its turning into a huge controversy due to the nature of the incident. If you're not informed: He was a 17 year old African American returning from a convenience store with candy for his younger brother walking in a gated community. While walking he was confronted and shot by the local neighborhood watch.

What is sickening is that not only was his murderer not arrested, but now he as a person is now being smeared all over the media. He was just a normal kid going to school. The media and defendant's legal team are now looking into every detail of this kid's life. They are looking for even the tiniest reason to excuse the accused actions. He's dead, why try to drag his name in the mud? Why even try to hold this kids petty history accountable? He obviously wasn't an adult so it shouldn't matter what he has done in school. It really bothers me because this could be anyone's child. I have even compared him to Chach's nephew Darian. This easily could have been Darian.

It makes you wonder what if something like this happened to you? What if for whatever reason you died suddenly and controversially? What sort of things do you think would be used to defame your character? Its scary to know in this age of instant news and opinion no one is allowed dignity. Its sad how much hate we allow in the name of freedom of speech. It is no different that going to war in the name of God.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Horse Face!

We were talking about director's remaking movies or reviving franchises then destroying them.....

Apparently, Jack Kerouac's On The Road(one of my favorites) is being made into a film. Which is fine and dandy, but its going to have Kristen Stewart in it....which kills any future motivation I may have to see this movie. I just really really really hate Kristen Stewart. She isn't pretty or talented in the least. Her looks are marginal at best and her acting abilities are probably worse off. I guess portraying frigid and blase makes you a terrific actress. I think I'd rather watch Meagan Fox again rather than this horse face.


Serious Topic

On a serious note today I would like to leave an open discussion based on this NYTimes article. It vaguely covers religion. More importantly, its an article about looking back on the beginning on one's principals. Now that we are in our later twenties, maybe a little older, have any of you ever questioned things you were taught as a child?

Top Favorite Cartoons

Sam brought up a fun topic for this morning:

What are you top ten favorite cartoons of all time? Mine are in no specific order:
1. Adventure Time
2. Ren & Stimpy
3. Courage the Cowardly Dog
4. The Powerpuff Girls
5. Inuyasha
6. The Amazing World of Gumball
7. Metalocalypse
8. The Venture Brothers
9. American Dad
10. Beavis & Butthead

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Saturday Morning Cartoons!

Fists of fury!

Obvisiouly, none of us won the lottery; better luck next time.
I want to share with yall my new Saturday morning guilty pleasure: The Aquabats Super Show! Its shown on the Hub. It is produced by The Magic Store who also produced the widely popular Yo Gabba Gabba.
The Aquabats Super Show is geared to a little older age group than Yo Gabba Gabba. Its an ecletic mix of monster fighting, righteous music and slapstick comedy. They are a monster fighting super band. The monster sequences remind me of the original Power Rangers. Every episode has a guest celebrity. The one I watched this morning with Zephyr had Jon Heder and Lou Diamond Phillips. It has a main story line, but will cut to a cartoon and at least one fake advertisement.

If you have the Hub set your dvrs for 10am! This is actually a well produced kids show.

Friday, March 23, 2012


UGH! Dogs are too expensive! Whatever happened to walking into a pet store and just buying a dog? We are looking for a family dog, but this has turned into an impossible task. Ideally, we want a purebred of only a few breeds. All that are sold are ridiculously expensive. The cheapest Dachshund I found was $300! I am not going to pay that much for a freaking animal.

Everyone is advocating for the Humane Society. Truthfully though, I do not want someone's shitty unwanted animal no matter how great they are described. Not only that, but did you know that dog adoption is $140?!? $140 for a mutt! And the application to adopt is fucking stupid. It asks for more information that an employment application. I even looked into Purebred Rescue groups who are even more ridiculous. One Dachshund rescue group charged $250 per adoption and most of these Dachshunds were anywhere from 6 to 12 years old. Seriously? You'd think that these groups would want to place these animals in homes quickly. But its like you have to get a homeland security check before they'll even consider you. 

To sum it up: FUCK YOU PETA!

Seriously though, we are looking for the following breeds: Dachshund, Welsh Corgi, Collies, Beagle or something kid friendly and similar. At this point I'd accept a standard poodle. An ideal dog needs to be a puppy or under a year old.

We Do NOT want: Chihuahua(I'd stomp on its head), Min. Pins, Dogs with subcutaneous features(Pugs, French Bulldogs, Shih tzus, etc), Big dogs(Labs, Danes,  Mastiffs etc), Yappy toy dogs, Yorkies, Schnauzers , Or an older dog, NOTHING HYPER or requires a lot of training.


I just want to remind many of you that today's Megamillions drawing is for $290 Million. Get yourself some numbers. Now some of you may be scoffing at this, but think about the amount of money you waste buying drinks, candy, chips etc. For $1 you have the chance to win millions. I have bought 3 tickets!

Oh and if I win I'd definitely be hooking everyone up!

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tomorrow's Topic

I'm taking any suggestions for tomorrow. Maybe one of you have read an article today or maybe has had something on their mind this last week. There are lots of things going on in San Angelo right now.

Michael Bay & The Rape of Our Childhoods

I'll begin with a small topic since the day is almost over. First and foremost I appreciate yall's participation.

Have you heard that Michael Bay is trying to revive TMNT? Aside from being another godawful Baysplosion movie, he is wanting to change their origin to space. Yes, I said it. In his version, the turtles will be aliens. When Sam and I were talking about this he reminded me of that South Park episode in which George Lucas and Steven Spielberg rape Indiana Jones.

What childhood favorites would you practically die seeing one of these directors remake?

Forgotten, But Not Lost

So I forgot that I made a blog. No one reads this anyways.

But! I'd really like to make this a place where critical minds may clash over daily topics. You, my dear friends, are the most critical people I know. And I salute you for that.

I'll be emailing you the url for this blog, and I would like some suggestions over daily topics or maybe a rotation of first picks. Or maybe we could bitch about something. Some of you are asking why or why should I care? I'm a bored desk jockey in need to intellectual stimulation. I also enjoy arguing. I know some of you get bored at your desk and start wandering around the internet. Well, there are only so many appropriate things you can look at while at work. So I know there's at least a few of you that'd like to express yourselves without being trolled on Facebook by some douche you vaguely know. If you want to be personally trolled this is the place to be!