Friday, March 23, 2012


UGH! Dogs are too expensive! Whatever happened to walking into a pet store and just buying a dog? We are looking for a family dog, but this has turned into an impossible task. Ideally, we want a purebred of only a few breeds. All that are sold are ridiculously expensive. The cheapest Dachshund I found was $300! I am not going to pay that much for a freaking animal.

Everyone is advocating for the Humane Society. Truthfully though, I do not want someone's shitty unwanted animal no matter how great they are described. Not only that, but did you know that dog adoption is $140?!? $140 for a mutt! And the application to adopt is fucking stupid. It asks for more information that an employment application. I even looked into Purebred Rescue groups who are even more ridiculous. One Dachshund rescue group charged $250 per adoption and most of these Dachshunds were anywhere from 6 to 12 years old. Seriously? You'd think that these groups would want to place these animals in homes quickly. But its like you have to get a homeland security check before they'll even consider you. 

To sum it up: FUCK YOU PETA!

Seriously though, we are looking for the following breeds: Dachshund, Welsh Corgi, Collies, Beagle or something kid friendly and similar. At this point I'd accept a standard poodle. An ideal dog needs to be a puppy or under a year old.

We Do NOT want: Chihuahua(I'd stomp on its head), Min. Pins, Dogs with subcutaneous features(Pugs, French Bulldogs, Shih tzus, etc), Big dogs(Labs, Danes,  Mastiffs etc), Yappy toy dogs, Yorkies, Schnauzers , Or an older dog, NOTHING HYPER or requires a lot of training.


  1. I had the exact same issues when we were looking for a dog! The breeders I looked into were selling the dogs for close to $1000. Yeah effing right! I also applied to adopt a dog from The Austin Boxer Rescue, they denied me because I live too far away, they seriously have HUNDREDS of dogs with no would think they would put a little more effort into finding them homes. I have rescued two different puppies from the pound since high school, both were fantastic dogs. But when you have kids, its important to find a breed that you know will fit your family, good temperament etc...
    My friend (Tiffany) has a corgi and a schnauzer, she wants to breed the two..I Googled "SCHNORGI" and they are actually pretty cute, Im sure she would give you guys one but I dont know if you would even want one or if you want to wait.

  2. check the thrifty nickel. thats where i found our dog's breeder. Bruce is a pure bred and was only $130. ive def seen ads for corgis and dachs there.

  3. yeah, Watson has his papers and was $150... they had 3 different females with 3 different litters within a week of each other, and had too many puppies to sell at normal prices. Sometimes you just get lucky.

    We spent a LOT of time at the shelter picking out dogs, and found multiple really awesome purebred dogs that were there because either they had run away, or their owners were military and couldn't take them where they were going, etc.

    The problem with the shelter though is that on 3 different occasions I tried to adopt a dog for our family and due to the inept actions of the staff at the shelter, was unable to get a dog. All three times they either lied to me or just didn't bother to get their facts straight, which resulted on me not adopting a dog that was up for adoption... for instance, once I was up there before opening, went STRAIGHT to the pen I knew the dog was in and he wasn't there. I was the first person there, and it's first come first served. I came to the front to ask where the dog was, and they said "well if he's not there he was adopted." I asked them to double check, and they just repeated the same line to me. So, i wandered around for a few minutes just to see if any other pups caught my eye and then came back up to the front desk, and low and behold, there is a couple with the dog I wanted. They had been bathing him and the couple saw him when they brought him back and snatched him up... if the stupid woman behind the counter would have just done as I asked and double checked, I'd have gotten to adopt the dog I wanted.

    After 3 times of something similar to this happening, I decided I'm done with them. We would have loved to save a dog from euthanasia but I'm not going to fight tooth and nail against morons to do it.

  4. I've never adopted a dog, but someday I will. I will tell you the dogs we had when I was a kid. The first dog I remember having was a Dachshund. She had a nice brown, short hair coat. Her name was Peanut. She sadly got ran over. We then got a Basset Hound, his name was George. He was sand brown and white. He sadly ran away. Then, we rescued a dark brown Dachshund. We named her Baby. She had brain damage, literally. She had a really bad indention on top of her head. Sadly, my dad ran over her while putting up my basketball rim. Oh, did I mention I witnessed it. I can never forget the horrifying noise she made. Think I was 8 at the time...Next, we got a black Toy Poodle. Her name was Bambi (yes, like the deer - sister’s idea). Sister took her when she moved out. Last, we got a Border Collie (a.k.a. sheep dog) and he is still alive today. His name is Pablo. I named him XP.
