Thursday, March 22, 2012

Michael Bay & The Rape of Our Childhoods

I'll begin with a small topic since the day is almost over. First and foremost I appreciate yall's participation.

Have you heard that Michael Bay is trying to revive TMNT? Aside from being another godawful Baysplosion movie, he is wanting to change their origin to space. Yes, I said it. In his version, the turtles will be aliens. When Sam and I were talking about this he reminded me of that South Park episode in which George Lucas and Steven Spielberg rape Indiana Jones.

What childhood favorites would you practically die seeing one of these directors remake?


  1. Ouch, that sounds awful. This isn't the first classic they have attempted to remake. They redid The Karate Kid with Will Smiths son *gag me*, they attempted to make a GOONIE-esque film called Super 8 which was good in its on rights but could never even BEGIN to touch how fantastic the Goonies is. I think the trick is to make sure our kids appreciate the orignals before they watch the newer stuff. This way they can pass on their appreciation to future generations. Logan is 3 and he LOVES the original TMNT, he also loves the original Star Wars much more than the newer Jar Jar Binks infested episodes. ;)

  2. HA, its funny that you mention Jar Jar Binks, he's like one of the most hated characters in movies ever. He's like the Will Wheaton of Star Wars.

  3. I was going to mention Dragon BallZ but then started to cry and remembered they already tried and royally failed at making a DBZ movie.

  4. i read about this too. i think michael bay is a complete idiot. he needs to stay away from TMNT. I did like Super 8 though, but then again i am a sucker for movies like that. Has anyone heard about how Steel Magnolias is being remade and Queen Latifah is going to be in it? I swear to god, if they ruin one of my favorite help them! ;) but seriously, why can't they leave classics alone. They don't need to be remade, all this crap about remaking movies instead of giong through the creative process of writing a new movie script is just a money making scheme. Thats my rant for today.

  5. A black Steel Magnolias? I think they made that already and it was called Beauty Shop....LOL
