Monday, July 30, 2012

Baby KA-BOOMers

I am sick to my teeth hearing baby boomers complain about the demonetization of their generation. They just aren't willing to accept the responsibility. All they can talk about is what they contributed. What I find sad is that fact that so many boomers claim responsibility of social contributions that were endeavored only a few a of their generation. YOU didn't make Bill Gates and YOU didn't help Bill Gates do anything. Bill Gates made himself and his legacy. Along with all the other famed trail blazers of that generation.

Boomers still consume at hedonistic rates as they did in their prime. The whole world and economy is falling apart and yet they still sit there with their hands out waiting for their checks. Whats left for the rest of us? Nothing, scraps at which we fight over. Most of the focus is on class warfare, what we should be worried about is the old person riding on our backs.

I'm not saying we should throw the elderly to the wolves. What I am saying is that they can't have their cake and eat it too. They can claim as many SS contribution years as they want. Fact of the matter is that due to inflation your contributions mean shit. They should get SS that is directly proportional to the amount that they paid in regardless of the cost of living. We should help in their care, but only in proportion to overall social welfare.

I don't know what the definitive answer is, but the entitlement has to stop. I would hope that by the time I become enfeebled and useless, voluntary euthanization will have been legalized. The moment I become a burden to my family and society, I want to be dead.


  1. It doesn't help that the government has decided to "borrow" from social security as though the money paid into it didn't already have a purpose. IMO, social security is stupid anyway. If you are smart enough to pay for your retirement and later years, then you get to retire. If you squander all your money now, and keep buying new cars every chance you get, you've made the choice not to be responsible with your income. Retirement isn't a privilege, it's something you get to do when you have amassed enough money that you expect to be dead before you have spent all of it. It seems silly to me that we are in a society where people let the government determine how long they are supposed to work and when they can quit.

    I'd like a small government please, with a side of do-it-yourself.

  2. Agreed, aside from all the other silly things the government decides for us. I would also like to add that I would prefer a more Darwinian approach to social matters. Resources are becoming limited, populations are increasing. You either sink or swim. There isn't room for things like accommodation for peoples whether they're purple, green, ambiguous, rich, poor whatever. Its time to stop holding everyone's hand.

    There shouldn't be social security simply for the fact that so many people don't plan for retirement because they've factored in SS as part of their life plan....just like those certain ethnic races that factor food stamps and welfare as part of their life plan.

  3. i think they've forgotten what they have truly contributed to society during their generation: inequality between men and women and african americans/latinos and caucasians. their generation was a time of great social unrest, we didnt demonize it...they did a fine job of that by themselves. Our generation is more open-minded and accepting in my opinion. as far as social security goes, i agree that its a personal responsibility to plan for your future and be prudent in saving for retirement. Having said that, i dont personally trust the government to handle my retirement money. My grandfather worked for years in dangerous refineries to save enough money for retirement, and he actually did save a pretty impressive amount working a meager job at those crappy refineries. all that being said, i think america as a whole and not just baby-boomers feel an entitlement to ss funds. its easier to let the government take care of you than plan and save instead of buying nice things. easier but more detrimental as we're learning now. when did the government even start social security program? wasnt it in like the 1930's? i need to research that more. i think if we had a more darwinian approach to social matters we would see a lot more homeless people, more wards of the states and mental patients with no help. although it could be argued that those with mental issues are greatly underserved in this country already. Also, i think that there are a variety of ethnic races that take advantage of the food stamp programs, caucasians being at the forefront. ive been in those offices and i now first hand that most of the people waiting to get food stamps in our local office are white. and yes most of them look like meth heads.

  4. That's my question, too, Christina; why did we even create SS? Personally, I think SS is just a tasteless joke. I'm sure people back then had enough common sense to conclude that eventually you will get to a certain age where you can't work and need other means of living. I believe the elderly should apply for SS who only REALLY need it. That way, upon review, the state or government can decide weather or not you actually need assistance. It's just like welfare but without being entitled. I do believe we need to take care of the elderly, though.

  5. I think people back then had more than enough common sense to save for old age. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that ss was created partly because of the great depression. Ppl from that era learned to keep they're money close and work hard to get it. I agree that we need to take care of the elderly in relation to their quality of life. I also think the idea of ss is flawed and the elderly should not depend upon it as their sole means of income.
