Friday, August 17, 2012

Fuck Lunch

I've decided that I intensely hate the lunch hour. It is the single most depressing part of the day. Now I'm not a hater of eating, just lunch. And that is for a number of reasons:

1. Packing your lunch sucks...there aren't many good things to pack. Sandwiches get old very quickly. Canned soup is unbearable. I refuse to eat frozen meals. We never have left overs. Most of the things I make couldn't be reheated anyways.
2. I work in the shittiest part of town. Far away from everything. Not that I want to spend a fortune.
3. I've become known as the dependable lunch time phone answerer. They don't even ask if I have plans anymore, thats how pathetic I am.
4. There is not a single person that I can lunch with again because I work clear across the North side of San Angelo. Its not that I want a meal bought, sometimes I'd just like to talk to someone in person for once.
5. I hate the fucking assholes who come into the office or call at lunch. NO ONE IS HERE TO HELP OR TALK TO YOU.
6. I hate seeing everyone coming back refreshed and jubilant from lunch. I'm sure as hell not refreshed or jubilant, in fact I'm feeling quite disgruntle.
7. There's no point in going home. I end up just wanting to punch Otto in the face. I know there's nothing at home for me except chores. Plus there's not a point to going home when I could be here milking hours.
8. Eating by yourself is pathetic.

So ya. Fuck lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you're having the case of the lonelies. It does really suck that you work on the other side of town. Maybe one day Chach, you, and I can go get something to eat...If only we had transportation tubes, like in Futurama.
