Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Really Grinds Your Gears?!?

I have spoken to several of you in person regarding collaboration. All of you have given the exact same answer. I don't know what to post about.....I don't have anything important to say. Well, I know all of you very well. You are all very passionate opinionated individuals. I know you have things to say. I hear them over a bowl every week. I want to know WHAT REALLY GRINDS YOUR GEARS?

So I am begging you....begging that you participate when you have time. Honestly, I don't put a whole lot of thought into these posts. I just type up whatever pops into my head. I'm not worried about what you guys think. I've known all of you for many years. Its not like whatever I say actually surprises any of you. LOL

Gaston: You see that house? That is where I was born. My mother said to me, "Gaston. The world is a beautiful place, and you must spread joy and contentment everywhere you go". And so I became a waiter... Well, I know it is not a great philosophy but... 
[pauses, looks offended
Gaston: Well, fuck you. I can live my life in my own way if I want to. 
[begins to walk away in disgust
Gaston: Fuck off. Don't come following me. 

1 comment:

  1. Things that grind my gears:

    -People that interrupt me while I'm talking
    -When someone answers a question that was meant for me.
    -When people do or say unnecessary things.
    -When people go above and beyond to get my attention.
    -Loud & obnoxious people
    -People that lack etiquette
    -People that lack manners
    -Bible Thumpers
    -People that starve for attention
    -Ugly people that procreate
    -Dumb people that procreate
    -Rich people who don’t care about the less fortunate
    -The inability for Republicans and Democrats to agree on one thing
    -People that illegally download movies and songs
    -My random stutters
    -People that park crooked
    -People that park beside me
    -Racist people
    -Prejudice people
    -People with cocky attitudes
    -People that are overly nice
    -People who try to hard to be cool
    -People who try to act like they were raised in the ghetto
    -Being short
    -Not getting paid enough
    -People who drive slow in the passing lane
    -People who drive under the speed limit
    -People who shoot other people for wearing hoodies….

    I could probably keep going but I’m running out of time. I’ll repost if I think of anything else. Oh, I do have a topic for discussion but I want to make it presentable. Hopefully, I can do it tomorrow.
