Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Holiday Hell

Its almost that time of year again. Holiday Hell. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a holiday scrooge. There is nothing magical, holy or amazing about any holiday. Although I do cherish those times I can be with my family(meaning my husband and children only). For the most part I will intensely hate the next 3 months. Why? Why!?

Traffic-we already live in San Angelo with some of the worst drivers imaginable then you add the holiday into the mix and you have some toxic situations. People practically running each other off the road just to get their idiotic material items they think they have to have.

Shopping for everyday stuffs-Trying to shop for your everyday items and groceries becomes the worst torture ever. I don't really need to elaborate on this one as we all have experienced it. People hang out in the aisles of HEB to socialize while their brood of 5 run around unchecked. I swear sometimes I want to clothes line these kids as they pass by or throw out my foot for the trip.

Holiday Music-It'll begin mid-October and most definitely in November. I hate loves songs therefore I hate holiday songs. They're just so depressing. I mean if you're single or have any deceased family members the songs are only a constant reminder of that. Also White Christmas is not a nostalgic song when you live in West Texas. Plus who wants to listen to songs that command you to be jolly?

Spending Time with the In-laws-Do I need to say much about this one? Spending 12 hours of the day in a very uncomfortable place with people you'd care not to see. You spend the entire 12 hours thinking of all the things that you'd rather be doing...root canal, leg waxing, going to work, jogging, banging your head against a wall etc.

This year should make for a very interesting Christmas as one of my brother-in-laws is getting out of the pen. I'm terribly curious to see what happens. As we have never done anything to piss this guy off, we're good, I don't know about everyone else though. Thanksgiving will be the same.

I guess Holidays wouldn't be so bad if you got to spend them with people you actually like and you got to do things you actually want to do. Gracing peoples with my presence on holidays is my form of altruism. You should be thankful I even showed up.

Anyone got some relatable Holiday stories? Anything funny?

PS The only thing I really get nostalgic about during the holidays is the ritual of watching of A Christmas Story and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Best part of Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I have to concur. I'm not much of a holiday guy, either. The only good thing that comes from holidays, is, not going to work. Everything else just feels forced.

    First, there's the planning ahead and spending money that could be used for something else.

    Second, its "having" to go to these get togethers or be labeled an asshole. The only person in my family whose company I enjoy is my dads. The guy keeps me leveled and always has good advice when I need it. My brother and sister on the other hand always tries to give me advice when I don't need it, which, really pisses me off.

    I really don’t have any funny holiday stories, but last Christmas, I went to my sister’s house in Midland for Christmas. My sister’s husband owns a lot of farm land and we shot a bunch of critters with his M16, with laser sights. It was really fun.
