Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Beating A Dead Horse

I wanted to bring up a topic that I find quite distressing. We've all heard about that Florida teen, Trayvor Martin, who was shot and killed. Its turning into a huge controversy due to the nature of the incident. If you're not informed: He was a 17 year old African American returning from a convenience store with candy for his younger brother walking in a gated community. While walking he was confronted and shot by the local neighborhood watch.

What is sickening is that not only was his murderer not arrested, but now he as a person is now being smeared all over the media. He was just a normal kid going to school. The media and defendant's legal team are now looking into every detail of this kid's life. They are looking for even the tiniest reason to excuse the accused actions. He's dead, why try to drag his name in the mud? Why even try to hold this kids petty history accountable? He obviously wasn't an adult so it shouldn't matter what he has done in school. It really bothers me because this could be anyone's child. I have even compared him to Chach's nephew Darian. This easily could have been Darian.

It makes you wonder what if something like this happened to you? What if for whatever reason you died suddenly and controversially? What sort of things do you think would be used to defame your character? Its scary to know in this age of instant news and opinion no one is allowed dignity. Its sad how much hate we allow in the name of freedom of speech. It is no different that going to war in the name of God.


  1. Yea, this has been blasted all over the news. You would have to live under a rock to not hear about this. I'm sure there's something going on behind the scenes. I mean, this guy should already be in federal prison, getting raped by Nasty Nate...Federal Prison=naughty jungle of man love. For real B. LOL I've thought long and hard about this and I'm done. There have been protests, petitions, etc...to try and get this guy arrested. WTF?! "Someone's" head is going to roll…..…Wow, I started to get all teary eyed thinking what if this was Zephyr or Zed. I personally have e-signed 3 petitions. I don’t know what else to do. I can either be severely pissed off until this all settled, or just accept it like it is and wait for Karma take care of that murder. Justice will be served one way or another…

  2. I completely agree Sam,it is an awful situation. Geraldo publicly urged all children, especially blacks and hispanics to NOT wear hoodies...um, seriously? WTF? This guy will definitely get what he deserves, one way or another.

  3. Geraldo is hispanic! What a traitor!

  4. OMG That's right!! People who wear hoodies are the ones you need to look out for!! Especially people armed with Skittles and tea.

    You have now entered the Wear-A-Hoodie-Die gated community. Have a nice day.
