Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The other day I jokingly told my husband (who looooves Taco Bell) that I thought the new Dos Locos Doritos taco abomination would be the downfall of our society.  He looked at me like he would never forgive me for saying an unkind word about Taco Bell.  But seriously, I feel like we as a society are going to downward spiral into fast food fueled stupidity.  That Luke Wilson movie where he wakes up in the future and people are incredibly dumb is what I think is going to happen to America.  It keeps me up at night a little.  The evil geniuses at Taco Bell have doomed us all.  Why can't these people use their powers for good?  How about working to get rid of GMO in our foods or getting politics out of the food industry.  I know, I know, that's a naive thought. It's lovely that the Obama's planted an organic vegetable garden at the White House, but can we please make organic food more affordable?  And for the love of god, will someone please put Monsanto in their place already?? Thanks for listening to my rant, I'm off to go plan my organic, heirloom garden while eating my processed apple pie.


  1. I know exactly what you mean, except for me its the KFC Bowl. I mean seriously, do you really need a bowl of mashed potatoes, chicken, corn, cheese and brown gravy? Its gluttony at its highest.

    It really bothers me that Chach really likes eating this kind of stuff. You shouldn't eat stuff like this. I'll eat fast food if I have to, but I don't really go looking for it. Chach also has a thing for frozen dinners, he actually likes them. He has chosen a frozen meal over a home cooked healthy dinner I have made before. I know its his choice and his body, but I'd like him to still be around when we're in our fifties. I've been really pushing him to change his eating habits. Its a work in progress. Plus I don't want the kids to see him eating this crap.

    Organic isn't necessarily something that I have to have. I've just noticed that organic products tend to be a higher quality item since they do not have fillers or preservatives to fall back on. As long as the food doesn't have a bunch of chemicals or preservatives I'm usually happy with the product.

  2. Me; I wish I didn't have to eat. I think eating is an inconvenience. If there was a pill that would provide all the nutrients I needed daily and made me feel full, then I would take it. I'm sure you think I'm not serious but I am.....and I'm not crazy!! I've been tested!! LOL The only fast food place I think is effing awesome is McAlister's.

    1. ROFL....May I inquire as to why McAlister's is on your "suck it" list?

    2. OH, your pic totally reminds me of Maria de Medeiros that plays in Pulp Fictions (BA movie BTW) but much more ummmm appealing. LOL

    3. mcalisters food is just ok in my opinion. every time ive eaten there ive been disappointed in the food. i do like pul[ fiction tho. :)
