Monday, June 11, 2012

Channel Surfing Sunday Night

Booohoooo to the loss of our favorite Sunday night show Game of Thrones. We're left with the regurgitated mess that is called True Blood. While I was a fan the first two seasons, I've slowly begun to dislike it. It had so much potential. It could have been a great series like Game of Thrones, Rome or Six Feet Under.

After watching last night's episode, I feel like producer Alan Ball isn't even trying. At this point they're just milking the cash cow. When he was in production it probably went something like this:

Alan Ball: Alright People! Lots of melodrama...ok good! Now lets throw in some obscure plot points about The Authority....right....Now introduce model-turned actress #152 as Eric's "Sister"....good...Now lets see a sex scene with a few Eric Northman ass shots....nice...Ok start the werewolf struggle of power....again... And there's this week's episode, good job people.

Production Assistant: Um Sir its only 40 minutes long. 

Alan Ball: Oh right, well lets throw in a 20 minute sequence watching LaFayette and Sookie be sad. And its a wrap!

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