Monday, November 12, 2012

Uh Do What?

Its been a while since I've been here polluting the internet with my opinions. Today I read an article that put me into a quandary. It was regarding asking women of the Millennial Generation 'What is modern Feminism?'. There doesn't seem to be a clear definition in terms of what this generation understands. Most don't know how to even answer the question; I certainly don't. Then asked if they were feminist; some yes, some no's, but mostly 'I don't know'. I'd like to start a thread for this week titled "What Is Modern Feminism?". I'm going to pseudo interview both men and women of our generation and get their perspective on the subject. Then if there is anyone out there that would like to post an article that exemplifies their definition please do so. To be clear I'm not push any sort of platform or agenda. I'd really like to see what people want for the female gender and what you'd like for your own daughters in their future. Thank you in advance for your participation!

1 comment:

  1. Main Entry: fem•i•nism

    Pronunciation: \ˈfe-mə-ˌni-zəm\
    1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

    2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

    First, let me go ahead and state men and women are of equal worth and should be treated with dignity.

    I don't know much about "modern feminism", but maybe that's a good thing. Let me explain. Back then, without being said, women were not treated equally. But now, I think the feminist movements leading up to today have greatly improved the equality between men and women. Are men and women treated equally in today’s society? I’d like to say yes but I know that’s not true. What else needs to be done? I really don’t know. It is easy to argue that there is a serious contradiction at the heart of feminism, because fighting for the rights of one side does not necessarily entail fighting for things that bring equality to both sides. It is also known that “extreme feminists” want the scales to tip in their favor. This issue leads to discrimination against men in the workforce, but this type of discrimination is "positive discrimination" as far as modern feminism is concerned.

    The one place I think women are treated unfairly would have to be government. I believe we need more female occupation and leadership in today’s government, and in some ways, would be a solution to today’s woes.
