Wednesday, May 30, 2012


OMG!!! On Monday, July 23rd, 2012 Tinseltown will be showing a 2.5 hour movie event celebrating Star Trek: TNG 25th Anniversary. It is a one time showing at 7pm. You can be sure that I'll be there! Sam get ready! We're going full costume, just kidding or am I?

Bitch Fest

Why do Tom's shoes have to be so fucking expensive? I get that they give shoes to kids in need. But seriously, if I'm spending $50 on a pair of shoes they better give a pair of shoes to my kids in need. Tom, you shoes aren't that cool. I'll stick with my Van's Classic Slip Ons, thanks.

Zombie Apocalypse

The day is upon us.....It's time to start stock pile guns and ammo folks.....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Beware Solicitors!

What really grinds my gears......

I hate door to door solicitors of all kinds. Since we've moved into our new house we have gotten more solicitors at our door than I have fingers. And those are the ones we're aware of when we're home. They want to sell me something, save my soul, get my vote or make a donation. Last weekend I practically had to shut the door in this guy's face because he didn't get the message. It was Jesus this Jesus that. I stopped listening half way through. The point is that I find it to be ultra violating of my personal space and security. Its an advertisement at your door in person. Sickening.

I'm looking into getting a very inclusive sign made to put on our door. My other choice is a doormat that says Fuck Off.   

Any Ideas?

rude doormat F%ck Off - outdoor mature - for men

Phrase of the Day

I thought this was pretty fucking funny. I read it on regarding a woman removed from a flight due to her t-shirt which read:

If I wanted the government in my womb, I'd fuck a senator.

Friday, May 18, 2012


God, I am burnt out on life. Burnt to a crisp. I'd like to check out, but I have too many obligations and responsibilities. Its these moments when I hate being female. Doesn't matter what kind of relationship you're in, the female always shoulders the most burdens. Sigh, oh well.

Sometimes I wish things were like that movie Equilibrium. You know, just go through the motions like a robot. Never really worrying or relenting to your own emotional needs. I think I'd like living like this. I go through the motions anyways, all the while throwing a temper tantrum in my head.

I think it'd be nice not to have taste buds. That way you don't eat for pleasure, just sustenance. Why? I have expensive not like caviar or filet mignon. I like regular fresh real food, no preservatives, little frying involved. I get really tired of choking down food I hate. Disgusting canned foods, chemical tasting frozen foods,  artificial flavorings, uber greasy fried bacon potato ranch jalapeno bombs(thank you Patton Oswald)....I hate them all. Real good food is expensive, time consuming to prepare and most people don't seem to care for them.

Ok, I'm done whining. Its 4pm. I'm dread counting the minutes until I go home to a dog that shits/pisses in the floor, whining/screaming children, again more bodily fluids, a dirty house that makes my heart feel like there's a vice on it, a husband that's going to play a computer game for at least 3 hours while I do my obligations, then it'll be bedtime eventually to wake up and do it all over again. Obligate.