Monday, June 11, 2012

Channel Surfing Sunday Night

Booohoooo to the loss of our favorite Sunday night show Game of Thrones. We're left with the regurgitated mess that is called True Blood. While I was a fan the first two seasons, I've slowly begun to dislike it. It had so much potential. It could have been a great series like Game of Thrones, Rome or Six Feet Under.

After watching last night's episode, I feel like producer Alan Ball isn't even trying. At this point they're just milking the cash cow. When he was in production it probably went something like this:

Alan Ball: Alright People! Lots of melodrama...ok good! Now lets throw in some obscure plot points about The Authority....right....Now introduce model-turned actress #152 as Eric's "Sister"....good...Now lets see a sex scene with a few Eric Northman ass shots....nice...Ok start the werewolf struggle of power....again... And there's this week's episode, good job people.

Production Assistant: Um Sir its only 40 minutes long. 

Alan Ball: Oh right, well lets throw in a 20 minute sequence watching LaFayette and Sookie be sad. And its a wrap!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow

New York Times Magazine published a very interesting article regarding innovations to make your life easier. Some are silly, others much more realistic. Take a look at this and tell me your favorite and any you'd like to see.

I'm not thrilled with #2. I like my coffee dark roasted and raw. I have no need for flavorings or uniformity. Roasting is an art in itself. You wine connoisseurs would not appreciate a uniform wine would you?

#5 is prolly my favorite. Washing my mane is a tedious pain in the ass!

#12 is a great idea, but....people would just destroy them. I mean lets be realistic. In SA, the people who use public transportation are part of the lower demographic. Individuals would obviously break, vandalize or steal them. The idea would be fantastic in places like Scandinavia or Japan where citizens take more pride and personal responsibility for their environment.

I fucking love #14! I don't know how many times I've had to listen to someone blab on when all I want to do is punch them in the face to make them shut up. I'm sure many of you can sympathize.

#15 Would not work on me.

We need to implement #17. Attachment parenting is getting fucking ridiculous.

I would abuse the hell out of #26. Give germaphobes and Obsessive Compulsive's more tools and validity.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Is anyone else excited about this movie?

Aside from the extremely attractive Michael Fassbender; this movie promises intense nail-biting suspense, cringe worthy violence and stunning visuals. Ridley Scott seems to always make great movies: Gladiator, Blade Runner and even Legend was still good.

We'll see it this weekend some time. I don't know when since I haven't seen Chach's schedule yet. Get ready for some face hugging!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Green or more accurately the Rainbow Lantern?

Image: his image provided by DC Entertainment shows a page from the second issue of the company's "Earth 2" comic book series featuring Alan Scott, the alter ego of its Green Lantern character, who is revealed to be gay.

So I don't know if anyone heard about this, but the Green Lantern is now gay? First and foremost, I have no problem with gays. In fact some of my favorite artists and authors are gay. I mean seriously it is apparent to me that gays are inherently much more creative than us heteros.

Anyways, I was just really surprised that DC Comics would go ahead and put themselves out there like that. And I was surprised that they picked The Green Lantern. If I had to pick a DC character that I thought was gay it would be Aquaman. Marvel comics did something similar with one of their X-Men comics introducing North Star to have a same-sex wedding. Which is super surprising as well seeing as how Marvel Comics is owned by Disney. Which Disney is all about conservative agenda.

Its just another sign that the times are really changing. Maybe not at the pace we'd like to see, but its happening.

What things do you think will have changed in the next 10 years when most of us will be in our thirties?