Friday, June 24, 2011

Lack of Ambition or is it?

You, me, him and her; we're all the same. We're the desk jockey staring blankly at a neon screen in the bull pin. We're the indifferent cashier you're arguing with (think Clerks). We're the faceless entity that cooked your steak medium rare. Sons and daughters of parents with greater future visions of their children. Sugar plum filled dreams with doctors, lawyers and leaders; or maybe more appropriately American Idol winner and trendsetters.

We were never really true failures or screw-ups. We didn't have any jail time, adolescent produced children or drug over doses. Most of use merely never wanted to get into the rat race. We grew up and joined the ranks of Joe Blow. Which in my opinion there is nothing wrong with that. Why should we join a cluster fuck of sheep? Yet so many of us feel immense guilt due to the cultural or maybe parental pressure. What happened to just living?

Aldous Huxley said "A belief in hell and the knowledge that every ambition is doomed to frustration at the hands of a skeleton have never prevented the majority of human beings from behaving as though death were no more than an unfounded rumor." That sums up the standard of what is expected of us. We need masters degrees, drive gay little Prius', maintain our 150+ friends on Facebook, volunteer at the local soup kitchen, attend trendy art openings and oh year, produce children somewhere in that time. 

I pity those who push themselves into a breakneck motion to fulfill their so called ambitions. We've all grown so self righteous and filled with a deep sense of false entitlement. So many have forgotten or ignored at how short life is. Many would argue that as their reason for ambition.  I find that it enslaves them. Some would say that I am merely a bitter failure. Well I have news for you, I never even tried.

My ambition has been to just live one day at a time. I'm not scared of my insignificance or mortality. I am fulfilled each day by breathing, eating and waking up to see another day. We shouldn't feel bad about just being. I want others to feel that freedom as I do. With that in mind, I could like to set the mood for this blog:

My intention is to bring back joy into the mediocrity of every day living. I won't lecture too much. I promise to keep it free of bullshit. I won't preach about going green or civil liberties. I also will not discuss what days I do laundry or secrets of unclogging toilets. I'll try to keep it as interesting as my life allows.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Testing Testing 1...2...3 Testing Testing

Now, where do we begin?